Page unquestionable under construction

This is supposed to be very interactive dashboard like demonstration of the different scenatio option that we can use for the Monte Carlo Risk simulation.
However, doing so in a SinglePageApplication with multiple javascript libraries turned out to be too much for single programmer...
Just to give you an impression of the type of work required here some code modules that are finished.


    // javascript document with the model items and monte carlo simulation of the risk project
// Samples object class which contains the actual simulation in time and during trasnformation and time for a given scenario
// Scenario object holds the following subclasses : Pathogen, Production, Coldchain, Consumption, which in turn contain Dist(ributions)
// Both the scenario it subclasses have a choise of predefined named setting but can also be custom configured during creation and later on.

// 2012
// version = 2

"use strict";

// samples object class creator takes a scenarion instance and number of samples
// can perform calculations for a time or a specific moment
function Samples(ascen, n) {
    // just store the references
    this.scenario = ascen;
    // number of samples
    this.n = n;
    // cooking time is just an fixed time for animation
    this.cookingtime = 10;
    // just because it is handy
    this.laglim = ascen.pathogen.lagwork / Math.LN10;
    // just because it is handy
    this.maxtime = ascen.shelflife * 24 + this.cookingtime;
    // inital loading
    this.logN0 = ascen.logN0.random(n);

    // transport time at 'Transported','Sold','Stored','Cooked'
    this.time = [];
    this.time[0] = ascen.transporttime.random(n)
    // make sure that the retail time is scaled such that its upper distribution limits = shelflife-transportime
    this.time[1] = ascen.retailtime.random(n);
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
        this.time[1][i] *= (ascen.shelflife * 24 - this.time[0][i]) / ascen.retailtime.limits[1];
    // storage time at home is random between shelflife - (retailtime + transporttime) 
    this.time[2] = randoms(n);
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
        this.time[2][i] *= ascen.shelflife * 24 - (this.time[0][i] + this.time[1][i]);

    // growth at 'Transported','Sold','Stored' no lag phase yet
    this.growth = [];
    this.growth[0] = ascen.transporttemp.random(n).map(ascen.pathogen.mumax, apat);
    this.growth[1] = ascen.retailtemp.random(n).map(ascen.pathogen.mumax, apat);
    this.growth[2] = ascen.storagetemp.random(n).map(ascen.pathogen.mumax, apat);
    // calculate growth from the mumax stored growth
    for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        this.growth[j] = arraymultiply(this.growth[j], this.time[j]).map(mapscale(1 / Math.LN10));

    // the growth during cooking is = -reductionrate/ln10*1 minute
    this.growth[3] = ascen.cookingtemp.random(n).map(ascen.pathogen.reductionrate, apat)
                                                .map(mapscale(-1 / Math.LN10));

    // make grow times cumulative
    this.time[1] = arrayadd(this.time[0], this.time[1]);
    this.time[2] = arrayadd(this.time[1], this.time[2]);

// returns array of stages at time 
// transport starts at t=0  so time = -1 give 0=production
// 'Production','Transport','Retail','Storage','Cooking','Consumption'];    
Samples.prototype.stage = function (t) {
    var p = [];
    for (var p = [], i = 0; i < this.n; i++)
                         this.time[2][i] + this.cookingtime],
    return p;

Samples.prototype.attime = function (t)
    // return the contamination and stage at a time t
    // logN = logN0 + max(growth(t)-laglim,0) - reduction*(t-t_endofstorage)/t_cooking   
    var g, r;
    var logN = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.n; i++) {
        g = interp([0,
                   this.growth[0][i] + this.growth[1][i],
                   this.growth[0][i] + this.growth[1][i] + this.growth[2][i]],
        r = Math.min(Math.max(t - this.time[2][i], 0), this.cookingtime) / this.cookingtime * this.growth[3][i];
        logN.push(this.logN0[i] + Math.max(g - this.laglim, 0) + r);
    var s = this.stage(t);
    var out = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.n; i++) out.push([logN[i], s[i]]);
    return out;

// return the contamination at a moment (e.g. 2 Sold)
// 'Produced','Transported','Sold','Stored','Cooked'
// logN = logN0 + max(growth-laglim,0) + reduction (which is negative)
Samples.prototype.logN = function (moment) {
    switch (moment) {
        case 0: return this.logN0.slice(0);
        case 1: return arrayadd(
        case 2: return arrayadd(
        case 3: return arrayadd(
        default: return arrayadd(

// return illness probabilities of the samples
Samples.prototype.illnessprob = function () {
    var logNf = this.logNatmoment(4);
    var ip = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.n; i++)
    return ip;

// quantile of samples (very slow)
Samples.prototype.quantile = function (q) {
    return d3.quantile(this.sort(d3.ascending), q);

// scenarion object class contains all model settings
// see Dist constructor for calling details
function Scenario(ascen) { = '-';
    this.pathogen = new Pathogen();
    this.production = new Production(); = new Storage();
    this.consumption = new Consumption();
    this.deflist = {
    this.typelist = [];
    // fill the typelist and add name deflist
    for (var lit in this.deflist) {
        this.deflist[lit].name = "lit";
    if (!!ascen) {  // if agument was given
        if (!!this.deflist[ascen]) { // and agument is id of deflist 
            ascen= this.deflist[ascen]; // then set to the default
        if (!! { =;}
        if (!!ascen.pathogen) { this.pathogen.constructor(ascen.pathogen);}
        if (!!ascen.production) { this.production.constructor(ascen.production);}
        if (!! { this.production.constructor(ascen.production);}
        if (!!ascen.consumption) { this.consumption.constructor(ascen.consumption);}
    return this;

//Pathogen object class contains related properties and functions 
// see Dist creator for calling details 
function Pathogen(apat) { = "-";

    // typical concentration in feces which is potentially contaminating the carcas
    this.cfeces = new Dist({name: "Concentration in feces",unit: "log CFU/g",type: "Cumulative",
        points: [-1, 2, 3, 4, 5], cums: [0, 0.48, 0.54, 0.9, 1]

    // growth rate parameters
    // exponential growth rate maxmax = k*max(T-Tmin,0)^2  essentially same as equation Kostas
    // growth  deltaLogN = max(mumax*t-h0,0)/LN10 (t since begin) 
    this.k = 0.001;        // hr-1 K-2 
    this.Tmin = 3;          // degC
    this.h0= new Dist({type: "Normal", mu: 1.5, sigma: 0.5, limits: [0,3]}); 
    this.mumax = function (T) { return this.k * Math.max(T - this.Tmin, 0) * Math.max(T - this.Tmin, 0); };

    // exponential inactivation rate at temperature
    // deltaLogN = -reductionrate(T)/ln(10) *deltat in minutes
    // reductionrate(72) = ln(10)/D72
    // reductionrate(T) = exp((T-72)/Z*ln(10))*reductionrate(72)
    this.D72 = 0.2;    // minutes decimal reduction time at 72
    this.Z = 10;       // 10x decrease of decimal time every Z degrees higher than 72
    this.reductionrate = function (T) {return Math.exp((T-72) / this.Z * Math.LN10) * Math.LN10 / this.D72;}

    // returns probability of illness after ingestion of logN (CFU/product)
    // CFD of normal distribution  based on typical 5% and 50% quantiles fitting equation kostas
    // standard q50%-q5% = 1.65  so we apply a scaling to match with the given parameters
    this.illnessprob = function (logN) { return cnormal((logN-this.ID50)/(this.ID50 - this.ID5)*1.65);};
    this.ID50 = 3;     // 50% of consumers get ill after ingestion of ID50 logCFU    
    this.ID5 = 2;     // 5% of consumers get ill after ingestion of ID5 logCFU
    // default choises with only virulence parameters different
    // would be realy nice to include more kinds such as Salmonella,  Listeria and C. Botulinum
    this.deflist = { 
        EcoliO157: {
            name: "E-coli O157",
            ID50: 5.78,
            ID5: 4.33
        EcoliO157Cassin: {
            name: "E-coli O157 Virulent",
            ID50: 3.4,
            ID5: 1.6
    this.typelist = [];
    // fill the typelist and add name deflist
    for (var lit in this.deflist) {

    if (!!apat) {  // if agument was given
        if (!!this.deflist[apat]) { // and agument is id of deflist 
            ascen= this.deflist[apat]; // then set to the default
        // copy the atrributes of the instance if given as first argument
        if (!! { =; }
        if (!!apat.cfeces) { this.cfeces.constructor(apat.cfeces); }
        if (!!apat.k) { this.k = apat.k; }
        if (!!apat.Tmin) { this.Tmin = apat.Tmin; }
        if (!!apat.h0) { this.h0.constructor(apat.h0); }
        if (!!apat.D72) { this.D72 = apat.D72; }
        if (!!apat.Z) { this.Z = apat.Z; }
        if (!!apat.ID50) { this.ID50 = apat.ID50; }
        if (!!apat.ID5) { this.ID5 = apat.ID5; }
    return this;

// Production object encapsulates the related properties and function
// see Dist creator for calling details
function Production(aprod) { = "-";

    // determines the prevalence and error margin that a carcas is contaminated
    this.checked = 1;
    this.positive = 1;
    // determines if contaminated how much feces was spread on the carcas
    this.fecestransfer= new Dist({name: "feces transfer", unit: "log g/cm2", type: "Normal", mu : -5.1, sigma : 0.9, limits: [-9,-1]});
    this.trimmingsurface = new Dist({name: "trimming surface", unit: "cm/g", type: "Uniform", limits: [0.25,1]});

    // decontamination efficiency can be choosen
    this.decontamination = new Dist({name: 'none', unit: "-log", type: "Constant", mu: 0, limits : [-1,1]});
    // default choises only country and decontamination
    this.deflist = {
        Ireland: {
            name : 'Ireland',
            checked : 332,
            positive: 7, 
            decontamination: {name: 'none', unit: "-log", type: "Constant", mu: 0, limits : [-1,1]}
        Brazil: {
            name : 'Brazil',
            checked : 384,
            positive: 6, 
            decontamination: {name: 'none', unit: "-log", type: "Constant", mu: 0, limits : [-1,1]}
        Greece: {
            name : 'Greece' ,
            checked : 150,
            positive: 6, 
            decontamination: {name: 'none', unit: "-log", type: "Constant", mu: 0, limits : [-1,1]}
        Poland: {
            name : 'Poland',
            checked : 486,
            positive: 80, 
            decontamination: {name: 'none', unit: "-log", type: "Constant", mu: 0, limits : [-1,1]}
        PolandDecont: {
            name : 'Poland+Decontamination',
            checked : 486,
            positive: 80, 
            decontamination: {name: 'decontamination', unit: "-log", type: "Normal", mu: 1.5, sigma : 0.5, limits : [0,3]}
    this.typelist = [];
    // fill the typelist and add name deflist
    for (var lit in this.deflist) {

    if (!!aprod) {  // if agument was given
        if (!!this.deflist[aprod]) { // and agument is id of deflist 
            ascen= this.deflist[aprod]; // then set to the default
        // copy the relevant atrributes if defined in argument object
        if (!! { =; }
        if (!!aprod.checked) { this.checked = aprod.checked; }
        if (!!aprod.positive) { this.positive = aprod.positive; }
        if (!!aprod.fecestransfer) { this.fecestransfer.constructor(aprod.fecestransfer); }
        if (!!aprod.trimmingsurface) { this.trimmingsurface.constructor(aprod.trimmingsurface); }
        if (!!aprod.decontamination) { this.decontamination.constructor(aprod.decontamination); }
    return this;

// Cold chain object encapsulates the related properties and function
// see Dist creator for calling details
function Coldchain(acold) { = "-";

    // retail (package) size determines not so much except Poisson chance of having some bugs in it
    this.retailmass = new Dist({ name: 'Retail package', unit: 'gram', type: 'Triangular', limits: [300, 1000], peak: 500 });

    // Shelf life is very important and detemines time in retail and domestic fridge
    this.shelflife  = 7;  //days
    // retail time (between production and sell ) needs to be multipled with shelflife
    this.retailtime = new Dist({ name: 'Retail time', unit: 'shelflife%', type: 'LogNormal', mu: 0.5 , sigma: 0.5 , limits: [1e-6, 1]});
    // domestic time (between buy and eat) needs to be multipled with (shelflife - retailtime)
    this.hometime = new Dist({ name: 'Domestic time', unit: 'remainder%', type: 'Uniform', limits: [0, 1] });

    // temperatures in retail and home
    this.retailtemp = new Dist({ name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 3.2, sigma: 2, limits: [0, 7] });
    this.hometemp = new Dist({ name: 'Home Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 7.5, sigma: 3, limits: [0, 15]});     

    // default choises determine only shelf life and temperatures in retail
    // temperature higher than mu = 3.2 sigma = 2 are just demonstration estimations
    this.deflist = {
        Wholesale: {
            name: 'Wholesale',
            shelflife: 8,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 3.2, sigma: 2, limits: [0, 7] },
        Foodservice: {
            name: 'Food Service',
            shelflife: 7,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 3.2, sigma: 2, limits: [0, 7] },
        Supermarket: {
            name: 'Supermarket',
            shelflife: 6,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 4.2, sigma: 2.5, limits: [0, 7] },
        Localshop: {
            name: 'Localshop',
            shelflife: 5,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 6, sigma: 3, limits: [0, 7] },
        Market: {
            name: 'Market',
            shelflife: 3,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 8, sigma: 4, limits: [0, 7] },
    this.typelist = [];
    // fill the typelist and add name deflist
    for (var lit in this.deflist) {

    if (!!acold) {  // if agument was given
        if (!!this.deflist[acold]) { // and agument is id of deflist 
            ascen = this.deflist[acold]; // then set to the default
        // copy the atrributes of the instance if given as first argument
        if (!! { =; }
        if (!!acold.retailmass) { this.retailmass.constructor(acold.retailmass); }
        if (!!acold.shelflife) { this.shelflife = acold.shelflife; }
        if (!!acold.retailtime) { this.retailtime.constructor(acold.retailtime); }
        if (!!acold.hometime) { this.hometime.constructor(acold.hometime); }
        if (!!acold.retailtemp) { this.retailtemp.constructor(acold.retailtemp); }
        if (!!acold.hometemp) { this.hometemp.constructor(acold.hometemp); }
    return this;

// Cold chain object encapsulates the related properties and function
// see Dist creator for calling details
function Coldchain(acold) { = "-";

    // retail (package) size determines not so much except Poisson chance of having some bugs in it
    this.retailmass = new Dist({ name: 'Retail package', unit: 'gram', type: 'Triangular', limits: [300, 1000], peak: 500 });

    // Shelf life is very important and detemines time in retail and domestic fridge
    this.shelflife = 7;  //days
    // retail time (between production and sell ) needs to be multipled with shelflife
    this.retailtime = new Dist({ name: 'Retail time', unit: 'shelflife%', type: 'LogNormal', mu: 0.5, sigma: 0.5, limits: [1e-6, 1] });
    // domestic time (between buy and eat) needs to be multipled with (shelflife - retailtime)
    this.hometime = new Dist({ name: 'Domestic time', unit: 'remainder%', type: 'Uniform', limits: [0, 1] });

    // temperatures in retail and home
    this.retailtemp = new Dist({ name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 3.2, sigma: 2, limits: [0, 7] });
    this.hometemp = new Dist({ name: 'Home Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 7.5, sigma: 3, limits: [0, 15] });

    // default choises determine only shelf life and temperatures in retail
    // temperature higher than mu = 3.2 sigma = 2 are just demonstration estimations
    this.deflist = {
        Wholesale: {
            name: 'Wholesale',
            shelflife: 8,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 3.2, sigma: 2, limits: [0, 7] },
        Foodservice: {
            name: 'Food Service',
            shelflife: 7,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 3.2, sigma: 2, limits: [0, 7] },
        Supermarket: {
            name: 'Supermarket',
            shelflife: 6,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 4.2, sigma: 2.5, limits: [0, 7] },
        Localshop: {
            name: 'Localshop',
            shelflife: 5,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 6, sigma: 3, limits: [0, 7] },
        Market: {
            name: 'Market',
            shelflife: 3,
            retailtemp: { name: 'Retail Temperature', unit: '°C', type: 'Normal', mu: 8, sigma: 4, limits: [0, 7] },
    this.typelist = [];
    // fill the typelist and add name deflist
    for (var lit in this.deflist) {

    if (!!acold) {  // if agument was given
        if (!!this.deflist[acold]) { // and agument is id of deflist 
            ascen = this.deflist[acold]; // then set to the default
        // copy the atrributes of the instance if given as first argument
        if (!! { =; }
        if (!!acold.retailmass) { this.retailmass.constructor(acold.retailmass); }
        if (!!acold.shelflife) { this.shelflife = acold.shelflife; }
        if (!!acold.retailtime) { this.retailtime.constructor(acold.retailtime); }
        if (!!acold.hometime) { this.hometime.constructor(acold.hometime); }
        if (!!acold.retailtemp) { this.retailtemp.constructor(acold.retailtemp); }
        if (!!acold.hometemp) { this.hometemp.constructor(acold.hometemp); }
    return this;


              // javascript document with the statistical distributions of the risk project
// defines Risk object class and calculation functions
// 2012
// version = 2

"use strict";

// Dist object class to deal with continues distributions
// creator takes optionally as setting 
// an instance -> var adist = new Dist(); var bdist = new Dist(adist);
// or object with literal parameters -> var adist = new Dist({type:'Uniform', limits:[0,2]})
// or string with a default id -> var adist = new Dist('Normal')
// used to create and change the distributions 
// and to create random samples distributed accordingly
function Dist(adist) {
    // properties = "-";
    this.unit = "-";
    this.type = "Uniform";
    this.limits = [0, 2]; // lognormal --> limits[0] >=0  Triangular -> edges = 1; //normal -> mean and lognormal -> 'location'or mean of ln(X) '
    this.sigma = 0.5; // normal -> stdev and lognormal -> 'scale' or stdev of ln(X)
    this.peak = 1; // triangular
    this.points = [0, 1, 2]; // cumulative points acending !
    this.cums = [0, 0.5, 1]; // corresponding cumulative chance inbetween 0-1 acending !
    this.deflist = {
        Constant: {
            mu: 1,
            limits: [0, 2]
        Uniform: {
            limits: [0, 2]
        Normal: {
            limits: [0, 2],
            mu: 1,
            sigma: .5
        LogNormal: {
            limits: [0, 5],
            mu: 1,
            sigma: 1
        Triangular: {
            limits: [0, 2],
            peak: 1
        Cumulative: {
            limits: [0, 2],
            points: [0, 1, 2],
            cums: [0, 0.5, 1]
    this.typelist = [];
    // fill the typelist and add name and type to deflist
    for (var lit in this.deflist) {
        this.deflist[lit].name = "default";
        this.deflist[lit].type = lit;
    // set the properties from adist
    // we do it like this because if we poll the item of adist we also get non wanted properties suchs the class methods
    if (!!adist) { // if argument is given
        if (!!this.deflist[adist]) { // and argument is id of deflist
            adist = this.deflist[adist]; // set to argument default
        if (!! { =; }
        if (!!adist.unit) { this.unit = adist.unit; }
        if (!!adist.type) { this.type = adist.type; }
        if (!!adist.limits) { this.limits = adist.limits.slice(0); }
        if (!! { =; }
        if (!!adist.sigma) { this.sigma = adist.sigma; }
        if (!!adist.peak) { this.peak = adist.peak; }
        if (!!adist.points) { this.points = adist.points; } // use the .creator if it was an object instead of simple array ;
        if (!!adist.cums) { this.cums = adist.cums; }
    return this.paramcheck();

// set type do some sanity checking and return this
Dist.prototype.paramcheck = function () {
    switch (this.type) {
        case "Constant":
            this.limits = [ - 1, + 1];
        case "LogNormal":
            if (this.limits[0] < 0) { this.limits[0] *= -1 };
            if (this.limits[1] < this.limits[0]) { this.limits[1] *= -1 };
        case "Triangular":
            if (upperbin(this.limits, this.peak) != 1) {
                this.peak = 0.5 * (this.limits[0] + this.limits[1]);
        case "Cumulative":
            this.cums[0] = 0;
            this.cums[length(this.points) - 1] = 1;
            return this;
    return this;

// Dist probability density function
Dist.prototype.pdf = function (x) {
    if (x < this.limits[0] || x > this.limits[1]) { return 0; }
    switch (this.type) {
        case "Constant":
            return (x == ? 1 : 0);
        case "Uniform":
            return 1 / (this.limits[1] - this.limits[0]);
        case "Normal":
            var cll = cnormal((this.limits[0] - / this.sigma);
            var cul = cnormal((this.limits[1] - / this.sigma);
            return this.pnormal((x - / this.sigma) / this.sigma / (cul - cll);
        case "LogNormal":
            if (x <= 1e-6) { return 0; }
            else {
                var cll = cnormal(Math.log(Math.max((this.limits[0] - / this.sigma, 1e-6)));
                var cul = cnormal(Math.log(Math.max((this.limits[1] - / this.sigma), 2e-6));
                return this.pnormal((Math.log(x) - / this.sigma) / this.sigma / (cul - cll);
        case "Triangular":
            return ptriangular(x, this.limits[0], this.limits[1], this.peak);
        case "Cumulative":
            return pcumulative(x, this.points, this.cums);
            return 1 / (this.limits[1] - this.limits[0]);

// Dist cumulative density function
Dist.prototype.cdf = function (x) {
    if (x < this.limits[0]) { return 0; }
    if (x > this.limits[1]) { return 1; }
    switch (this.type) {
        case "Constant":
            return (x < ? 0 : 1);
        case "Uniform":
            return (x - this.limits[0]) / (this.limits[1] - this.limits[0]);
        case "Normal":
            var cll = cnormal((this.limits[0] - / this.sigma);
            var cul = cnormal((this.limits[1] - / this.sigma);
            return (cnormal((x - / this.sigma) - cll) / (cul - cll);
        case "LogNormal":
            if (x <= 1e-6) { return 0; }
            else {
                var cll = cnormal(Math.log(Math.max((this.limits[0] - / this.sigma, 1e-6)));
                var cul = cnormal(Math.log(Math.max((this.limits[1] - / this.sigma), 2e-6));
                return (cnormal((Math.log(x) - / this.sigma) - cll) / (cul - cll);
        case "Triangular":
            return ctriangular(x, this.limits[0], this.limits[1], this.peak);
        case "Cumulative":
            return ccumulative(x, this.points, this.cums);
            return (x - this.limits[0]) / (this.limits[1] - this.limits[0]);

// Dist inverse cumulative density function or quantile
Dist.prototype.icdf = function (y) {
    if (y <= 0) { return this.limits[0] }
    if (y >= 1) { return this.limits[1] }
    switch (this.type) {
        case "Constant":
        case "Uniform":
            return this.limits[0] + y * (this.limits[1] - this.limits[0]);
        case "Normal":
            var cll = cnormal((this.limits[0] - / this.sigma);
            var cul = cnormal((this.limits[1] - / this.sigma);
            return icnormal(y * (cul - cll) + cll) * this.sigma +;
        case "LogNormal":
            if (x <= 1e-6) { return 0; }
            else {
                var cll = cnormal(Math.log(Math.max((this.limits[0] - / this.sigma, 1e-6)));
                var cul = cnormal(Math.log(Math.max((this.limits[1] - / this.sigma), 2e-6));
                return Math.exp(icnormal(y * (cul - cll) + cll) * this.sigma +;
        case "Triangular":
            return ictriangular(y, this.limits[0], this.limits[1], this.peak);
        case "Cumulative":
            return iccumulative(y, this.points, this.cums);
            return (x - this.limits[0]) / (this.limits[1] - this.limits[0]);

// returns array of random values distributed according to the distribution type
// output lies between limits
Dist.prototype.random = function (n) {
    switch (this.type) {
        case "Constant":
            return ones(n).map(mapscale(;
        case "Uniform":
            return randoms(n).map(maprange(this.limits[0], this.limits[1]));
        case "Normal":
            var z = zeros(n);
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                do { z[i] = rnormal() * this.sigma +; }
                while (z[i] < this.limits[0] || z[i] > this.limits[1])
            return z;
        case "LogNormal":
            var z = zeros(n);
            for (var i = 0; i < length(z) ; i++) {
                do { z[i] = Math.exp(rnormal() * this.sigma +; }
                while (z[i] < this.limits[0] || z[i] > this.limits[1])
            return z;
        case "Triangular":
            var z = random(n);
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                z[i] = ictrangular(z[i], this.limits[0], this.limits[1], this.peak);
            return z;
        case "Cumulative":
            var z = random(n);
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                z[i] = icumulative(z[i], this.points, this.cums);
            return z;
            return randoms(n).map(maprange(this.limits[0], this.limits[1]));

///////////  DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS ///////////
// normal distribution functions
function pnormal(x) {
    return 0.4 * Math.exp(-x * x / 2);
function cnormal(x) {
    return 0.5 * (1 + erf(x / Math.SQRT2));
//ICDF  (0<=y<=1)
function icnormal(y) {
    return Math.SQRT2 * ierf(2 * y - 1);
// returns a normal random values Box Muller method
function rnormal() {
    var r = Math.ln(-2 * Math.random());
    var alpha = 2 * Math.PI * Math.random();
    return r * Math.cos(alpha);

// triangular distrubution functions
function ptriangular(x, ll, ul, mx) {
    if (x < ll || x > ul) { return 0; }
    if (x < mx) { return 2 * (x - ll) / (ul - ll) / (mx - ll); }
    else { return 2 * (ul - x) / (ul - ll) / (ul - mx); }
// CDF
function ctriangular(x, ll, ul, mx) {
    if (x < ll) { return 0; }
    if (x > ul) { return 1; }
    if (x < mx) { return (x - ll) * (x - ll) / (ul - ll) / (mx - ll); }
    else { return 1 - ((ul - x) * (ul - x) / (ul - ll) * (ul - mx)); }
// ICDF   (0<=y<=1)
function ictrangular(y, ll, ul, mx) {
    if (y < ((mx - ll) / (ul - ll))) { return ll + Math.sqrt(y * (mx - ll) * (ul - ll)); }
    else { return ul - Math.sqrt((1 - y) * (ul - mx) * (ul - ll)); }

// cumulatice piecewise distributionfunctions
// PDF
function pcumulative(x, points, cums) {
    var n = length(points);
    var p = zeros[n + 1];
    for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        p[i + 1] = (cums[i + 1] - cums[i]) / (points[i + 1] - points[i]);
    return p[upperbin(points, x)];
// CDF
function ccumulative(x, points, cums) {
    return interp(points, cums, x);
function iccumulative(y, points, cums) {
    return interp(cums, points, y);

// discrete Poisson functions 
// Create a Poison ditributed random variable 
function rpoisson(lambda) {
    if (lambda >= 30.0) {
        return poissonLargeAprox(lambda);
        // return poissonLarge(lambda)
    else {
        // Algorithm due to Donald Knuth, 1969.
        var L = exp(-lambda);
        var p = Math.random();
        var k = 0;
        while (p > L) {
            p *= Math.random();
        return k;

// Create a Poison ditributed random variable Greater Than 0
function rpoissonGT0(lambda) {
    var k = 0;
    if (lambda >= 30.0) {
        do {
            k = poissonLargeAprox(lambda);
            // var k = poissonLarge(lambda)
        } while (k == 0);
        return k;
    else {
        // Algorithm due to Donald Knuth, 1969.
        var L = exp(-lambda);
        // p > L for sure 
        var p = 1 - Math.random() * (1 - L);
        while (p > L) {
            p *= Math.random();
        return k;

// Probility for a number Greater Than 0 is 1-exp(-lambda)  
function ppoissonGT0(lambda) {
    return 1 - Math.exp(-lambda);

// crude but fast approximation based on normal distribution and continuety correction
function poissonLargeAprox(lambda) {
    return Math.abs(Math.floor(rnormal() * Math.sqrt(lambda) + lambda + 0.5));

// from
// "Rejection method PA" from "The Computer Generation of Poisson Random Variables" by A. C. Atkinson
// Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics) Vol. 28, No. 1. (1979)
// The article is on pages 29-35. The algorithm given here is on page 32.
function poissonLarge(lambda) {
    var c = 0.767 - 3.36 / lambda;
    var beta = Math.PI / Math.sqrt(3.0 * lambda);
    var alpha = beta * lambda;
    var u, x, n, v, y, temp, lhs, rhs;
    var k = Math.log(c) - lambda - Math.log(beta);
    do {
        do {
            u = Math.random();
            x = (alpha - Math.log((1.0 - u) / u)) / beta;
            n = Math.floor(x + 0.5);
        } while (n < 0);
        v = Math.random();
        y = alpha - beta * x;
        temp = 1.0 + Math.exp(y);
        lhs = y + Math.log(v / (temp * temp));
        rhs = k + n * Math.log(lambda) - LogFactorial(n);
    } while (lhs <= rhs);
    return n;

/////////////// UTILITY FUCTIONS ////////////////////

// find first index for which B[i]>=a
// returns 0 if B[0]>=a
// returns B.length as B[last]a
function upperbin(B, a) {
    var i = 0;
    while (B[i] < a) { ++i; }
    return i;

// interpolation of a value on linear piecewise function
// flat extrapolation outside X domain
function interp(X, Y, xi) {
    // X and Y must be same length arrays
    // X is monotonic increasing
    // xi is scalar with min(X) <= xi <= max(X)
    // first find the index for which X[i-1] < xi < X[i]
    var i = upperbin(X, xi);
    if (i == 0) return Y[0];
    if (i == X.length) return Y[i - 1];
    if ((X[i] - X[i - 1]) != 0) //maybe we shoudl leave this out 
        return Y[i - 1] + (Y[i] - Y[i - 1]) * (xi - X[i - 1]) / (X[i] - X[i - 1]);
        return (Y[i - 1] + Y[i]) / 2;

// integration of stepwise function starting at 0
// int= 0 for xi <0
// int = int(max(X)) for xi > max(X)
// is not the same as cdf since freq[i] is already the intergral of the probability over bin[i-1] to bin[i]
function stepintegral(X, Y, xi) {
    // X and Y must be same length arrays
    // X is monotonic increasing
    // xi is scalar with min(X) <= xi <= max(X)
    // first find the index for which X[i-1] < xi < X[i]
    if (xi <= 0) return 0;
    var j = upperbin(X, xi);
    if (j == X.length) { j = X.length - 1; xi = X[j]; }
    var int = 0;
    // integration of the whole sections
    for (var i = 0; i < j; i++) {
        int += Y[i] * (X[i] - (X[i - 1] || 0));
    // add the integral of the partial last section
    int += Y[j] * (xi - (X[j - 1] || 0));
    return int;

// integration of linear piecewise function
// int= 0 for xi  max(X)
function linintegral(X, Y, xi) {
    // X and Y must be same length arrays
    // X is monotonic increasing
    // xi is scalar with min(X) <= xi <= max(X)
    // first find the index for which X[i-1] < xi < X[i]
    var j = upperbin(X, xi);
    if (j == 0) return 0;
    if (j == X.length) { j = X.length - 1; xi = X[j]; }
    var int = 0;
    // integration of the whole sections
    for (var i = 0; i < (j - 1) ; i++) {
        int += (Y[i] + Y[i + 1]) * (X[i + 1] - X[i]) / 2;
    // add the integral of the partial last section
    var yi = interp([X[j - 1], X[j]], [Y[j - 1], Y[j]], xi);
    int += (Y[j - 1] + yi) * (xi - X[j - 1]) / 2;
    return int;

// array creation functions
// returns an array of length n with zeros
function zeros(n) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) a.push(0);
    return a;
// returns an array of length n with ones
function ones(n) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) a.push(1);
    return a;
// returns an array of length n with random values between 0 and <1
function randoms(n) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) a.push(Math.random());
    return a;
// array functions
// return boolean if araya contains a
function arraycontains(arraya, a) {
    return (arraya.indexOf(a) != -1);
// return sum arraya
function arraysum(arraya) {
    var a = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < arraya.length; i++) a += arraya[i];
    return a;
// returns cumulativce sum arraya 
function arraycumsum(arraya) {
    var a = arraya[0];
    for (var i = 1; i < arraya.length; i++) a.push(a[i - 1] + arraya[i]);
    return a;
// returns arraya .+ arrayb
function arrayadd(arraya, arrayb) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arraya.length; i++) a.push(arraya[i] + arrayb[i]);
    return a;
// returns arraya .- arrayb
function arrayminus(arraya, arrayb) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arraya.length; i++) a.push(arraya[i] - arrayb[i]);
    return a;
// returns arraya .* arrayb
function arraymultiply(arraya, arrayb) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arraya.length; i++) a.push(arraya[i] * arrayb[i]);
    return a;
// returns arraya ./ arrayb NO CHECK for division by zero
function arraydivision(arraya, arrayb) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arraya.length; i++) a.push(arraya[i] / arrayb[i]);
    return a;
// returns min(arraya,arrayb)
function arraymin(array, arrayb) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arraya.length; i++) a.push(Math.min(arraya[i], arrayb[i]));
    return a;
// returns max(arraya,arrayb)
function arraymax(array, arrayb) {
    var a = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arraya.length; i++) a.push(Math.max(arraya[i], arrayb[i]));
    return a;

// ascessor functions for
function mapscale(s) {
    return function (d) { return d * s }
function mapshift(s) {
    return function (d) { return d + s }
function maprange(l, u) {
    return function (d) { return d * (u - l) + l }
function mapinterp(X, Y) {
    return function (d) { return interp(X, Y, d) }
function mapkey(key) {
    return function (d) { return d[key] }
function mapmin(s) {
    return function (d) { return Math.min(d, s) }
function mapmax(s) {
    return function (d) { return Math.max(d, s) }

// arraysort function
function numascending(a, b) {
    return a - b

////////////////////////// Extra math functions  /////////////////////////////////////

function sign(x) {
    return x > 0 ? 1 : x == 0 ? 0 : -1;

// error function approximation
function erf(x) {
    return sign(x) * Math.sqrt(1 - Math.exp(-x * x * (4 / Math.PI + 0.14 * x * x) / (1 + 0.14 * x * x)));

// inverse error function approximation
function ierf(y) {
    var a = Math.ln(1 - y * y);
    var b = 2 / 0.14 / Math.PI + a / 2;
    return sign(y) * Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(b * b - a / 0.14) - b);

function factorial(n) {
    return (n < 2) ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1);

// from
function LogFactorial(n) {
    if (n > 254) {
        var x = n + 1;
        return (x - 0.5) * Math.log(x) - x + 0.5 * Math.log(2 * Math.PI) + 1.0 / (12.0 * x);
    else {
        var lf = [
    0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.693147180559945, 1.791759469228055,
    3.178053830347946, 4.787491742782046, 6.579251212010101, 8.525161361065415,
    10.604602902745251, 12.801827480081469, 15.104412573075516, 17.502307845873887,
    19.987214495661885, 22.552163853123421, 25.191221182738683, 27.899271383840894,
    30.671860106080675, 33.505073450136891, 36.395445208033053, 39.339884187199495,
    42.335616460753485, 45.380138898476908, 48.471181351835227, 51.606675567764377,
    54.784729398112319, 58.003605222980518, 61.261701761002001, 64.557538627006323,
    67.889743137181526, 71.257038967168000, 74.658236348830158, 78.092223553315307,
    81.557959456115029, 85.054467017581516, 88.580827542197682, 92.136175603687079,
    95.719694542143202, 99.330612454787428, 102.968198614513810, 106.631760260643450,
    110.320639714757390, 114.034211781461690, 117.771881399745060, 121.533081515438640,
    125.317271149356880, 129.123933639127240, 132.952575035616290, 136.802722637326350,
    140.673923648234250, 144.565743946344900, 148.477766951773020, 152.409592584497350,
    156.360836303078800, 160.331128216630930, 164.320112263195170, 168.327445448427650,
    172.352797139162820, 176.395848406997370, 180.456291417543780, 184.533828861449510,
    188.628173423671600, 192.739047287844900, 196.866181672889980, 201.009316399281570,
    205.168199482641200, 209.342586752536820, 213.532241494563270, 217.736934113954250,
    221.956441819130360, 226.190548323727570, 230.439043565776930, 234.701723442818260,
    238.978389561834350, 243.268849002982730, 247.572914096186910, 251.890402209723190,
    256.221135550009480, 260.564940971863220, 264.921649798552780, 269.291097651019810,
    273.673124285693690, 278.067573440366120, 282.474292687630400, 286.893133295426990,
    291.323950094270290, 295.766601350760600, 300.220948647014100, 304.686856765668720,
    309.164193580146900, 313.652829949878990, 318.152639620209300, 322.663499126726210,
    327.185287703775200, 331.717887196928470, 336.261181979198450, 340.815058870798960,
    345.379407062266860, 349.954118040770250, 354.539085519440790, 359.134205369575340,
    363.739375555563470, 368.354496072404690, 372.979468885689020, 377.614197873918670,
    382.258588773060010, 386.912549123217560, 391.575988217329610, 396.248817051791490,
    400.930948278915760, 405.622296161144900, 410.322776526937280, 415.032306728249580,
    419.750805599544780, 424.478193418257090, 429.214391866651570, 433.959323995014870,
    438.712914186121170, 443.475088120918940, 448.245772745384610, 453.024896238496130,
    457.812387981278110, 462.608178526874890, 467.412199571608080, 472.224383926980520,
    477.044665492585580, 481.872979229887900, 486.709261136839360, 491.553448223298010,
    496.405478487217580, 501.265290891579240, 506.132825342034830, 511.008022665236070,
    515.890824587822520, 520.781173716044240, 525.679013515995050, 530.584288294433580,
    535.496943180169520, 540.416924105997740, 545.344177791154950, 550.278651724285620,
    555.220294146894960, 560.169054037273100, 565.124881094874350, 570.087725725134190,
    575.057539024710200, 580.034272767130800, 585.017879388839220, 590.008311975617860,
    595.005524249382010, 600.009470555327430, 605.020105849423770, 610.037385686238740,
    615.061266207084940, 620.091704128477430, 625.128656730891070, 630.172081847810200,
    635.221937855059760, 640.278183660408100, 645.340778693435030, 650.409682895655240,
    655.484856710889060, 660.566261075873510, 665.653857411105950, 670.747607611912710,
    675.847474039736880, 680.953419513637530, 686.065407301994010, 691.183401114410800,
    696.307365093814040, 701.437263808737160, 706.573062245787470, 711.714725802289990,
    716.862220279103440, 722.015511873601330, 727.174567172815840, 732.339353146739310,
    737.509837141777440, 742.685986874351220, 747.867770424643370, 753.055156230484160,
    758.248113081374300, 763.446610112640200, 768.650616799717000, 773.860102952558460,
    779.075038710167410, 784.295394535245690, 789.521141208958970, 794.752249825813460,
    799.988691788643450, 805.230438803703120, 810.477462875863580, 815.729736303910160,
    820.987231675937890, 826.249921864842800, 831.517780023906310, 836.790779582469900,
    842.068894241700490, 847.352097970438420, 852.640365001133090, 857.933669825857460,
    863.231987192405430, 868.535292100464630, 873.843559797865740, 879.156765776907600,
    884.474885770751830, 889.797895749890240, 895.125771918679900, 900.458490711945270,
    905.796028791646340, 911.138363043611210, 916.485470574328820, 921.837328707804890,
    927.193914982476710, 932.555207148186240, 937.921183163208070, 943.291821191335660,
    948.667099599019820, 954.046996952560450, 959.431492015349480, 964.820563745165940,
    970.214191291518320, 975.612353993036210, 981.015031374908400, 986.422203146368590,
    991.833849198223450, 997.249949600427840, 1002.670484599700300, 1008.095434617181700,
    1013.524780246136200, 1018.958502249690200, 1024.396581558613400, 1029.838999269135500,
    1035.285736640801600, 1040.736775094367400, 1046.192096209724900, 1051.651681723869200,
    1057.115513528895000, 1062.583573670030100, 1068.055844343701400, 1073.532307895632800,
    1079.012946818975000, 1084.497743752465600, 1089.986681478622400, 1095.479742921962700,
    1100.976911147256000, 1106.478169357800900, 1111.983500893733000, 1117.492889230361000,
    1123.006317976526100, 1128.523770872990800, 1134.045231790853000, 1139.570684729984800,
    1145.100113817496100, 1150.633503306223700, 1156.170837573242400
        return lf[n];